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Android - io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.OsType
Android os type.


bind(Object) - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
Binds the given object ad binding context to the layout
bindBeanOfType(Class<?>) - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
PURPLE Binds a bean of the given type, loading it from the dependency injection container.
bindBeanOfType(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
PURPLE Binds a bean of the given type and qualifier, loading it from the dependency injection container.
bindTestObject() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
Sets the flag to bind to the test object given in the layout resource.


compareTo(PlatformService.Version) - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version


DeviceTemplateVariables - Class in io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template
Class that gives the template engine access to device specific information and configuration parameters.
DeviceTemplateVariables(Lazy<I18nService>, Lazy<DisplayService>, Lazy<PlatformService>) - Constructor for class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Instantiates a new Device template variables.
DisplayService - Interface in io.nevernull.mobileui
Inject → Service that lets you get information about the system's display
DisplayService.DisplayInfo - Class in io.nevernull.mobileui
Information about the device's display
DisplayService.Orientation - Enum in io.nevernull.mobileui
Enumeration describing the device's orientation


equals(Object) - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version


FileSystemService - Interface in io.nevernull.mobileui
Inject → File system abstraction for Android and iOS
firePropertyChanged(Object, String...) - Static method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.MobileUI
Fire that a property of the given bindingContext has changed.


getApplicationContext() - Static method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.MobileUI
PURPLE Returns the Micronaut ApplicationContext, if you have mobileui-inject added to your app.
getApplicationPrivateDirectory() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.FileSystemService
Returns the platform-specific application-private directory.
getBindingContext() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
Gets the binding context.
getCacheDirectory() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.FileSystemService
Returns the platform-specific folder that should be used as cache directory.
getCurrentLocale() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.I18nService
getCurrentOrientation() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.DisplayService
Returns the main display's current orientation
getDatabaseDirectory() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.FileSystemService
Returns the platform-specific folder that should be used as database directory.
getDateFormatOrder() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets date format order - like 'dmy'
getDateFormatOrder() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.I18nService
getDensity() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.DisplayService.DisplayInfo
Returns the display density in PPI
getDeviceManufacturer() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets device manufacturer - like 'Apple'
getDeviceManufacturer() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService
Returns a String naming the device's manufacturer
getDeviceModel() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets device model string - like 'iPhone 11'
getDeviceModel() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService
Returns a String describing the device model
getDisplayDensityPpi() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets the display density in pixels per inch.
getDisplayHeightDp() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets display height in dp.
getDisplayHeightPx() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets display height in px.
getDisplayWidthDp() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets display width in dp.
getDisplayWidthPx() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets display width in px.
getHeightDp() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.DisplayService.DisplayInfo
Returns the display height in dp
getHeightPx() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.DisplayService.DisplayInfo
Returns the display height in pixels
getIsAndroid() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Shortcut for checking for operating system being Android.
getIsIos() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Shortcut for checking for operating system being iOS.
getIsLandscape() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Shortcut for checking, whether the device is in landscape mode.
getIsPortrait() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Shortcut for checking, whether the device is in portrait mode.
getLayoutResource() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
Gets the layout resource.
getLocale() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets the main locale being set by the user.
getMainDisplayInfo() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.DisplayService
Returns on DisplayService.DisplayInfo object with information about the app's default display.
getMaintenanceVersion() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version
getMajorVersion() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version
getMinorVersion() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version
getOrientation() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets the current orientation.
getOsType() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets operating system type.
getOsType() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService
Returns the operating system's type being one of 'Android' or 'iOS'.
getOsVersion() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets the operating system version.
getOsVersion() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService
Returns the operating system version.
getTemplateExtVars() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
Gets the template ext vars.
getTimeMode() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets time mode as 12 or 24
getTimeMode() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.I18nService
getTimeZoneId() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
Gets time zone id.
getTimeZoneId() - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.I18nService
getViewportHeightDp() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
use getDisplayHeightDp instead
getViewportHeightPx() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
use getDisplayHeightPx instead
getViewportWidthDp() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
use getDisplayWidthDp instead.
getViewportWidthPx() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template.DeviceTemplateVariables
use getDisplayWidthPx instead.
getWidthDp() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.DisplayService.DisplayInfo
Returns the display width in dp
getWidthPx() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.DisplayService.DisplayInfo
Returns the display width in pixels


hashCode() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version


I18nService - Interface in io.nevernull.mobileui
Inject → Service for internationalization information and functions
inject(Object) - Static method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.MobileUI
PURPLE Injects dependencies into the given object.
io.nevernull.mobileui - package io.nevernull.mobileui
MobileUI framework classes
io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template - package io.nevernull.mobileui.core.template
Layout template related classes
io.nevernull.mobileui.lifecycle - package io.nevernull.mobileui.lifecycle
Classes for lifecycle aware components of your app
iOS - io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.OsType
iOS os type.
isBindTestObject() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
Returns the flag for the testObject usage.


landscape - io.nevernull.mobileui.DisplayService.Orientation
Landscape orientation
LayoutConfig - Class in io.nevernull.mobileui
Configuration for MobileUILayouts on Android and iOS.
LifecycleAware<T> - Interface in io.nevernull.mobileui.lifecycle
Callback interface for listening to component-lifecycle state changes.


MobileUI - Class in io.nevernull.mobileui
Main Interface to the basic functions of MobileUI for your app.


onCreate(T) - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.lifecycle.LifecycleAware
Notifies that ON_CREATE event occurred.
onDestroy(T) - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.lifecycle.LifecycleAware
Notifies that ON_DESTROY event occurred.
onPause(T) - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.lifecycle.LifecycleAware
Notifies that ON_PAUSE event occurred.
onResume(T) - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.lifecycle.LifecycleAware
Notifies that ON_RESUME event occurred.
onStart(T) - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.lifecycle.LifecycleAware
Notifies that ON_START event occurred.
onStop(T) - Method in interface io.nevernull.mobileui.lifecycle.LifecycleAware
Notifies that ON_STOP event occurred.


PlatformService - Interface in io.nevernull.mobileui
Inject → Interface where MobileUI provides platform-specific runtime information
PlatformService.OsType - Enum in io.nevernull.mobileui
Enumeration for the operating system types
PlatformService.Version - Class in io.nevernull.mobileui
Version supports major minor and maintenance version.
portrait - io.nevernull.mobileui.DisplayService.Orientation
Portrait orientation


runOnUiThread(Runnable) - Static method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.MobileUI
Run on the system's UI-Thread, if we're not already there.
runOnUiThread(Runnable, long) - Static method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.MobileUI
Run on the system's UI-Thread after a given delay in ms


setMaintenanceVersion(int) - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version
setMajorVersion(int) - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version
setMinorVersion(int) - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version
setTemplateExtVar(String, Boolean) - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
Sets a Boolean that will be available in the template under ext.[name].
setTemplateExtVar(String, Character) - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
Sets a Character that will be available in the template under ext.[name].
setTemplateExtVar(String, Number) - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
Sets a Number that will be available in the template under ext.[name].
setTemplateExtVar(String, String) - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
Sets a String that will be available in the template under ext.[name].


toString() - Method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.nevernull.mobileui.DisplayService.Orientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.OsType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version
values() - Static method in enum io.nevernull.mobileui.DisplayService.Orientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.OsType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Version() - Constructor for class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version
Version(int, int, int) - Constructor for class io.nevernull.mobileui.PlatformService.Version


with(String) - Static method in class io.nevernull.mobileui.LayoutConfig
Constructs a configuration for the layout resource given here.
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